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New Decade, New Products from BCI Burke - St. Croix Recreation

New Decade, New Products from BCI Burke

By January 30, 2020 September 3rd, 2020 Minnesota Playgrounds

It’s All About the Tots!

BCI Burke is celebrating it’s ONE HUNDRED year anniversary in 2020 with a new line designed specifically for 2-5 year old children. This imperatively important development stage is one BCI Burke wanted to capitalize on by introducing their newest line: Synergy Imagination. This innovative playground line specializes in incorporating the imagination into physical play, exercising body and mind at the same time!  Add some new Lil’ Novo Playful Furniture to complete your space; Burke’s whimsical site amenity line expanded this year, sized perfectly for the young ones!


Get Moving!

Customers are always asking how to differentiate their play spaces and find new and meaningful ways to get people to their parks! At the same time, health and physical activity are becoming a hot topic as social media takes hold on sedentary lifestyles. What better way to get people moving and utilizing their outdoor spaces then by including some NEW Invigorating Dynamic Fitness stand-alone, outdoor exercise pieces? Options include BCI Burke’s version of classic indoor equipment: Striders, Chest Presses, Elliptical Machines and Recumbent Bikes. As they are all manufactured in Wisconsin, they are created for the variety of weather patterns we experience in Minnesota!



100 Years of Play Sale!

Purchase select structures & free-standing pieces from St Croix Recreation & BCI Burke no later than March 31st, 2020 and receive up to 40% off! Fine Print: Qualifying sale structures cannot be modified or customized. Prices listed do not include taxes, installation, required safety surfacing or freight. Orders must be placed by March 31st, 2020 and ship no later than May 15th, 2020. Contact us today (NEW LINK!) for more information and request a sales flyer or click here to view applicable information and options.

New Equipment from 2019: Highly Requested and Still Available!New Playground Equipment

Don’t forget about last year’s new equipment that exploded onto the playground scene in 2019. Still available for purchase today and becoming best sellers:

  • The Nucleus Evolution stretches higher than any other of Burke’s products.
  • Playensemble, a joint venture with Percussion Play, continues to be a hit expanding play spaces and ADA structures by adding musicality.
  • The ever-popular ZipVenture, Burke’s custom zip line, including the Freedom option ensuring accessibility!