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NEW BCI Burke Products for 2021! - St. Croix Recreation

NEW BCI Burke Products for 2021!

By January 20, 2021 Uncategorized


Every year, BCI Burke introduces the world to new and innovative products! This year is no exception and here is a snapshot of some of the new equipment you can add to your designs starting in 2021:

Serenity Spot: Children with autism or other sensory processing differences can be especially overwhelmed by noise, movement or simply need a space to express themselves freely which the Serenity Spot offers without having to leave the play space.

Brava Swing: A truly inclusive and intergenerational play piece, the Brava swing gives freedom for those with disabilities, has space for more than one person and offers fun for everyone!

BIBA *more coming in February, 2021*: This new program is a supplement to any playground and can be used by both parents & caretakers as well as cities and schools to truly get the most out of their equipment and play space. Check back in February to learn more about this innovative app!



Did you know that the NRPA predicted new trends for 2021? Please read the below article on how COVID-19 will continue to effect the park & recreation spaces into the new year and beyond:


Talk to a Project Manager today to learn more about how to utilize your urban spaces for congregating & play! Some of our lines fit this perfectly:

  • Berliner offers URBAN DESIGN, a contemporary line offering sleek, sculpture-like play pieces.
  • Wabash Valley with their URBANSCAPE line of site amenities which boasts powder-coated long lasting tables, benches & receptacles and planters to complement all of your outdoor congregating spaces.







Check out our project of the month: Corcoran Park in Minneapolis. While this was created for a city-center multi-housing site, this design would be a great way to incorporate more play into smaller spaces. Find out more here!MN Playground Construction

This year, St Croix Recreation is also celebrating FORTY YEARS in business! We are proud to have been representing quality products in the state of Minnesota and bringing FUN to everything we do! Check out our blog and social media posts throughout the year to learn more about our company, our milestones and participate in contests!